EAN-13 Barcodes

Unique. Again and again.

EAN-13 barcode numbers are internationally valid standards for product labelling – indispensable for anyone who wants to sell items in stationary retail or on e-commerce platforms such as E-bay and Amazon.

These are 13-digit codes that are only issued once worldwide and thus enable clear identification.

There is no difference between EAN and GTIN. The term GTIN officially replaced the term EAN in 2009.
From Bulgaria Barcodes you can buy EAN-13 Barcode Numbers with security certificates for labelling your products.


Buy EAN number

You can also use our EAN codes in retail

Here you can purchase EAN-13 retail barcodes for all retail products

(except for books and magazines).



If you need a book barcode, magazine barcode, barcodes for perfumes, barcodes for bottles or a UPC Barcode, then please click through these links. The difference between UPC and EAN-13 barcodes can be seen here.

  • EAN-13 Barcode Packages

    Your email will contain:

    -Your EAN-13 Barcode numbers,
    -Barcode images (in 4 different formats: jpeg, png, svg, & pdf),
    -Guarantee Certificate stating that you are the sole legal owner of these barcode numbers, and
    -Free barcode registration on the International Barcodes Database.


    Quantity Price  (BGN) Quantity Price (BGN)
    1 78 lev each  50 – 99 38 lev each
    2 70 lev each 100 – 199 17,20 lev each
    3 – 4 66 lev each 200 – 299 9,8 lev each 
    5 – 9 60 lev each 300 – 499 7,6 lev each 
    10 – 19 52 lev each 500 – 999 4,8 lev each 
    20 – 29 48 lev each 1000 – 5000 1,6 lev each 
    30 – 49 44 lev each


    Digital Product

    -Free shipping by email

    -Delivery immediately after receipt of payment


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