Barcodes for Bottles


As of early 2020, Bulgaria’s wine industry consists of 282 wine makers.

Either it is a bottle of wine or a bottle of olive oil, you need a barcode in order to enter it in the market.

you can use our barcodes for wine, olive oil, whiskey, water or anything else you are ready to sell

EAN-13 Barcode is the barcode you need.


Our barcodes shop is automated – so if you purchase this product, it will be automatically emailed to you within a few minutes.

  • EAN-13 Barcode Package

    Your email will contain:

    -Your EAN-13 Barcode numbers,
    -Barcode images (in 4 different formats: jpeg, png, svg, & pdf),
    -Guarantee Certificate stating that you are the sole legal owner of these barcode numbers, and
    -Free barcode registration on the International Barcodes Database.


    Quantity Price  (BGN) Quantity Price (BGN)
    1 78 lev each  50 – 99 38 lev each
    2 70 lev each 100 – 199 17,20 lev each
    3 – 4 66 lev each 200 – 299 9,8 lev each 
    5 – 9 60 lev each 300 – 499 7,6 lev each 
    10 – 19 52 lev each 500 – 999 4,8 lev each 
    20 – 29 48 lev each 1000 – 5000 1,6 lev each 
    30 – 49 44 lev each


    Digital Product

    -Free shipping by email

    -Delivery immediately after receipt of payment

    Add to cart

Look here for essential oil barcodes, ISBN book barcodes and ISSN magazine barcodes.